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...this one depicts the XP-82 at Langley in 1948, where it was used as a test-bed for various projects.
The kit is Monogram's 1/72 scale F-82. It was lost on the shelf-of-doom for quite a while, maybe six months. I found it again a couple of weeks ago and decided to finish the build. The overall NMF is Alclad aluminum. The anti-glare, spinners and prop blades are MM enamels. All of the decals are Techmod. Each buzz number is six pieces and the tail number is 8-10 pieces. For the tail number I ran out of 8's and had to use a couple of 3's one on top of the other to make an 8. The kit comes with P-38 style long-range tanks and I used those rather than build a ram-jet from scratch. I even painted the formation lights on the wing tip red, amber and green. Never done that before! On my shelf I now have more P-82s than are flying in the world today! Well, two finished kits.
OK. In the stash: Way too much to build in one lifetime...
Nice one, Frank. You are undoubtedly aware that that airframe won Grand Champion at Oshkosh this year, restored to flying condition by Tom O'Reilly.
To see build logs for my models: http://goldeneramodel.com/mymodels/mymodels.html
You bet, Jeaton. I was over to visit the VAC museum Tuesday and spoke with Reilly and some of his people. The airplane is parked in the museum right now. The VAC museum might be the Twin Mustang's new home.
Fine work there, Frank!
George Lewis:
Very nice silk purse out of the old Mono pig ear.
goldhammer Very nice silk purse out of the old Mono pig ear.
Thanks, Goldhammer. I still have a couple of those kits waiting to be finished...
Well done! I like the finish. Good idea with the missing "8's"!
Thanks, y'all. Like I said, I still have a couple more F-82 kits to finish and I think I'll do them as "what if" Twin Mustangs just for fun. Maybe a Red Tail and maybe another long-range B-29 escort. Not sure yet...
Great job Frank!
God, Family, Models...
At the plate: 1/48 Airfix Bf109 & 1/35 Tamiya Famo
On deck: Who knows!
Very nicely done Sir! Super clean builds!
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