I came across a neat story from WWII where a crew member in a Vickers Wellington put out a fire by climbing out through the astrodome and onto the wing to put out the flames. As luck would have it Airfix has this exact kit. So I started this little project. Hopefully my ambitions won't exceed my abilities.
I started by poking holes in the wings using the reference photos I found online. Surprisingly there wasn't a ton of damage, but I guess it was enough to sever the fuel lines and cause a fire. From what I read the Wellington was jumped by a BF-110 night fighter that got off a quick burst before being downed by the "Wimpy's" tail gunner.
Wellington Project by Stu George, on Flickr
I then went on to work on the interior. Reference pictures were scarce and seemed to be all over the map, so a bit of artistic license was used. I painted the nose and tail sections black with a mix of hull red and white to create the "brick red" called out in the instructions. I added an Eduard color PE set. Airfix did a nice job with the interior details. They even show you which parts can be omitted and won't be seen once the fuselage is closed up. I decided to throw in everything.
Wellington Project by Stu George, on Flickr
Wellington Project by Stu George, on Flickr
Wellington Project by Stu George, on Flickr
Wellington Project by Stu George, on Flickr
Wellington Project by Stu George, on Flickr