Yes, that's a ASAT. If I remember correctly, the F-15A really only carried the ASAT. I just thought it looked better than a external fuel tank. It was in the kit, and shows it in the directions of where it would be placed. This kit gives a lot of options on armament.
Yea, my paint jobs are usually a bit out of the normal thing....sets them apart from most other builds.
I really want to build a jet and paint it up, and decal it like a NASCAR automobile..just for fun. Hard to find the right scaling...most cars are 1/24....and the planes I do are 1/48. Might to it one day I said, just for fun.
This is my first kit from Academy, and I would say it was well worth the money. Very nice kit. 4 out of 5 Stars.
Coming to the workbench: Revell F/A-18E Super Hornet 1/48
Master Air Brushes G22/G25/E91
Master Air Brush Pump TC-20
Vallejo Air Paints
Testers Enamels/Model Master Acryl
Tamiya Extra Thin Cement