With all the travel restrictions and border closures, it’s not been easy to go on “hobby shop runs” this year. What with that, and there not being any model shows, and thus no vendor’s rooms, finding awesome old kits has proven to be a rather difficult sport since March.
Thankfully, I have someone in my corner, it seems, as my good friend Alan emailed me that he was going to be sending me some kits he was sure I’d like. Well, he sure knows me well, because in the monstrous 4lb box-o-kits he send me were all kinds of great treasures! From Corvette Street Rods to biplanes and still-sealed 1950’s era Lindbergs to a Hawk re-release of a Kaysun, it was quite an adventure going through it all!
Check out my newest score at the link below, and don’t forget to vote in the poll. This time, you can vote for two entries, there are so many to choose from!