Need help with the right colors for the F4U-4 Corsair Landing gear.
Hey everyone. I was looking around the instructions for my F4U Corsair. I saw that the landing gear struts have to be painted in a Zinc Chromate color.
I was a bit skeptical of the color choice, so I looked up on Google images of the F4U corsair, and I did not see anything that has the main undercarriage colored in Zinc Chromate. The undercarriage and the tail wheel was mostly white and dark blue (same as fuselage) in color.
So this leads me to the question, What is the correct color for the gears? There could be some differences due to different manufacturers or the variants themselves, but it is a time consuming process to scour the internet for an answer, so I figured to just ask here.
One more thing
There seems to be different shades of Zinc Chromate. I read somewhere that there is variation based on the manufacturer or the chemicals in it, but I just want to remark that the general wheel wells or places with lots of wear and tear have a yellow green tone to it, whereas the cockpit has a dark shade of it, almost green. Is this true?