Nice Birds! I was talking to a retired U.S.A.F. Tech Sergeant the other day, and he shared something with me that didn',t I must say, really surprise me. He Said that just before Viet-Nam, a cadre of high placed Senators and Congress-Persons? Were offended by the nose art they saw on some War Weary birds and various bases and requested the A.F. to do somthing about it.
So ,the result? Some of the retired Warbirds had the Nose Art Painted out at the commands where they finally rested. Also, many had had the skins with that art removed and it found homes with various (at that time) " Confederate Air Force( Now "Commemorative Air Force"", Really?) This still rankles some in the services as they did the same to Destroyer Stacks and Macks Too! The U.S. Army also got the boot on some Armor Art as well. I am getting so sick of folks changing our history even in small things like that! I got chewed out at my tender age of 79 for wearing a Marine Corps Bulldog shirt with the Dog armed to the teeth. I have two, a Gruff looking one and a Metallica looking one. I was wearing the "Gruff" one. "I was told to be ashamed that I still glorified War in front of her Grandchildren."!
I guess,"Esprit de Corps" Don't mean diddly now! Even unit shirts and emblems cannot be construed to "De-Mean Women" or "Glorify" Battle! Gees, I didn't even get my attendance star for 20 years in service either! Some guys would've been proud of their "Rosie the Riveter" Wives! Some Females in Gummint find pictures of "Rosie" Repugnant. If'n Rosie hadn't stepped up we'd been in a world of bad. And it started with the likes of the W.A.CS. More than that the Womens Army Transfer Pilot Corps! Women learning to fly so men could go forward and fly to the lines on planes they ferries.That way men weren't required behind the lines for that.Brave women abound in service. It to bad they didn't have women singing their praises back when they needed it!
Those ladies at Boeing, Grumman and Republic are to be thanked (They are, from the bottom of my Heart)