Not sure about what rails/adapters the Israelis used, but mounting aftermarket missiles isn't too bad as far as the amount of fiddling goes. For mounting ordnance, I have started using 0.3 mm brass rod https://houseofhobbies.com/products/243 and drilling shallow, 0.3mm holes in both the ordnance and the hardpoint/adapter/rail. That makes a solid, clean way to mount them. Just use a little CA to glue the rods into the holes you drilled. My drilling jig fabrication technique has evolved a little over the past couple of years to using small strips of styrene, but it can be done with something as simple as a PostIt note to make the holes line up on both items that you're joining together. Makes the task of mounting ornance (aftermarket...and many times, the stuff in the kit that was supposedly designed to go on easily, but doesn't) so much easier and cleaner, so I just use it for everything now.
"You can have my illegal fireworks when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers...which are...over there somewhere."