I have used everything from drafting tape to Silly Putty (no, really, it works
great). It really all depends what you are trying to mask. Is it going to be a hard edge or a soft edge? If its a hard edge, just cut some drafting tape to the right size, take some of the tackiness out by sticking it to the palm of your hand and put on the model. Soft edges are a little tougher. the edge of the mask needs to stay off contact from the model so some of the paint sprays under it to give the soft line. This is where I like to use Silly Putty. Just take a piece of putty, roll it into a rope and place on the model. It makes laying out the curves of the camo pattern easier and it goes right over compuond curves. Since the "rope" is rounded you automatically get the slight overspray that forms a nice soft edge. After laying out the mask I just flatten out more pieces of the putty to mask the rest of the model and since silly putty is synthetic, it doesn't leave any residue. I can generally use the putty 3 times before the chemicals in the paint make the putty too hard to use.
Another easy way to mask is to blow up the painting instuction sheet to the same sizes as the model, then cut out the masks and place on the kit.
Hope this helps.
Go Eagles! 334th Fighter Squadron
Me and my F-4E
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