I am doing a "Showtime 100" in 1/32 scale. Through my research I found the load out on the day of "Ace Making" was as follows.
600 Gal Centerline tank
Inboard pylons loaded with TER's.
Six MK 20 Rockeye's
Four AIM-9G Sidewinders
Two AIM-7E Sparrows loaded on Aft Stations
Nothing on Fwd Missile stations
Outboard pylons not loaded
370 Gal wing tanks not installed
The Navy Phantoms usually flew with only the 600 Gal center line tank installed. They also normally flew with outboard pylons installed, but "Showtime 100" did not have them installed that day. They only carried the 370 Gal drop tanks when going from ship to shore or shore to ship
There was also some discussion on why only two Aim-7 were carried. The reason was, they were on a strike mission that day and missile armament was carried only for self defense. The forward missiles can not be tuned, locked on or fired with anything loaded on the centerline.
The Navy prefered the AIM-9 over the AIM-7. That required getting in close and gaining the 5-7 o'clock position for a kill. For some reason the Air Force prefered the AIM-7, which could be fired from any position. You might say, the Navy pilots were a little more aggressive.
Phormer Phantom Phixer
On the bench
TF-102A Delta Dagger, 32nd FIS, 54-1370, 1/48 scale. Monogram Pro Modeler with C&H conversion.
Revell F-4E Phantom II 33rd TFW, 58th TFS, 69-260, 1/32 scale.
Tamiya F-4D Phantom II, 13th TFS, 66-8711, 1/32 scale. F-4 Phantom Group Build.