OK, so I tried it on the real thing first, and screwed up. How can I recover?
3 parts water, 5 parts enamel flat black and 1 part dish soap.
It was an old mustand that really looked good. Silver, red tail, th ewhole nine yards. Decals were already on it of course because I did it 3 years ago.
Took it off the shelf, dusted it extensivly and cleaned it up. Hand brushed 2 coats of future, let dry 24 hrs.
Brushed on the wash in the panel lines, tried to be careful but of course it was on the wings.
Waited 15 minutes and wallah, it was dry. Can't get the excess off. The upper surface is now blurred flat black.
What did I do wrong and is there any way to fix this. Seems if I scrub with a wet cue tip it comes off, but so does the panel lines.
Any suggestions. Sorry, I am impatient and in a hurry. This is what I yell at my kids about all the time. Guilty as charged!