I bult this kit about 10-12 years ago. A fun kit I remember.
Here's some tips I remember:
Airbrush the sub-assembled interior the proper color (Interior Green), it saves a lot of time over hand brushing.
The seam resulting from the left and right fusalage halves can be difcult to eliminate. Take patience and care and reinforce it from the inside with Superglue.
Leave the wings and rear verticle stabilizer's off the main body as a sub-assembly. After painting is done, assemble to the main body. Fill any gaps with superglue and than White (Elmer's glue). touch-up the paint.
I don't remember if the tail wheel is a seprate peice or not, but leave it off to last if possible.
"I love modeling- it keeps me in the cool, dark, and damp basement where I belong"
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1/48th Hasegawa F-14D- 25%
1/48th Tamiya Spitfire- 25%