Does anyone have copies of the following magazines that they would be willing to part with. I'm looking to purchase them, borrow them etc.
Air Combat 1939-1945: This one was published in the late 60's early 70's, the last issue I have is from 1972. (A VERY good year!) I have several of these rags and can't get my hands on enuff of them.
Fighter Pilots in Aerial Combat: I know little of this rag. Seems to have been published quarterly. I have issues 11 thru 14.
Airfoil - A Journal Dedicated to Flight: First published in 1983, it seems that only one issue of this rag was published each year. I have the first five issues, and would like to know if there were more.
If anyone can help me in laying my hands on more of these, even if only to borrow them, I'd be much appreciative.
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