Hey Joe,
The interiors of many pre-war US Navy and Marines aircraft were coated in a clear lacquer with aluminum powder mixed in. Logically, one would think that the SBD-1, being a pre-war aircraft, would also have had it's interior finished as such.
However, there is evidence to suggest that this may not have been the case.
Here's a link to an interesting web page that I found:
The SBD seen on this page was raised from lake Michigan in the 1990's and is said to be an SBD-1. It appears as though you can see some remnants of a green colored paint in some shots of the interior. Hard to tell in most of the shots because of the corrosion, but there are a couple where the green seems to be fairly distinct.
Also, there are two period photos which seem to show that, at the least, part of the interior (in this case the rollover pylon) may have been painted green. Whatever color it is, it certainly is not bare aluminum or aluminized lacquer.
The first shot is a legitimate color photograph. The second is somewhat suspect; it appears to be a colored print and cannot be trusted
as it is presented on this web page. But the original image
IS a color photograph and is reproduced in two books that I have. I'll try to scan them, but my scanner is giving me problems at the moment. (I guess I've been giving it quite a workout lately!)
Anyhoo, close examination of a couple dozen black and white shots of several different SBD-1's also confirm that whatever color the pylons are, they are
not aluminum.
I hope this helps some.
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