as I am working on a hi-tech 1/48 conversion 'E jaguar I was not able to find in my extra decals the proper french 'danger' triangles. I have everything for this kit only 4 correct french ejection warning triangles missing.
I could use some from my other Jag kits but will end up with 2 different ones.
If someone has 2 spare sets of french triangles (mid 80's) I will be able to buy or trade with something you might looking for.
It is very hard to find french jaguar decals (have one from the 'A Esci 1/48 which looks the same 'Chardonne based OCU).
Also looking for 4 french (with sailor's anker) national markings 1/48, for the 'M version.
Any one who willing to help me?
(living in the netherlands)