I am finally doing the 1:32 corsair (revell) I purchased 2 years ago. Very disappointing. No detail. Just a blah kit. The plastic is flimsy as well. The only thing that was nice was the ease of the canopy. That was because it was easy to mask. Another thing I did and learned was the following. I bought one of those plastic templates that have ciurcles, squares, rectangles and triangles. Turns out, the wheel wells on the corsair corresponded to the 1/2 sixe on the template. Thus, I cut out masking tape to fit and wallah, it fit perfectly in the wheel well. So, I masked it and painted the tires and it looks nice and even.
But, overall, since I didn't buy any aftermarket accessories, the kt itself is not exciting. But, it will look good on my desk. I hope.