Hey nsclcctl,
Good choice my friend. I finished up the Tamiya 262 just a few months ago.
BOY what a beaut she is...!!!!! Its straight out of the box too. The only thing building wise to watch out for is the optional open or closed gun bay doors.
If you picked to have them closed, there will be some sanding and a lot of dry fitting but other than that the Swallow was a blast to build.
As for decal options, I went w/ Eagle Strikes "Too late, Too Little" I for get which part though. I want to say pt2.
The scheme is actually two tone, RLM82 upper surfaces while the underside was light blue(forgot the RLM nunber DUH
Anyway hers a pic of my bird.
If you have any other question on the build of the 262, please feel free and e-mail me at
Falcon42177@yahoo.com or
When you get done w/ your build, how bout sharing with us!!
Flaps up, Mike
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger