Hi Guys. Yes, I was with Oggy at Duxford! I was that soldier. And it was my first ever airshow. And let me tell you guys, we got there between 10 and 11am and I expected to be waiting in a q for ages, but they had the entrance split into at least 4 or 5 lanes so it all flowed smoothly and quickly....and leaving the show? Bear in mind that a lot of people all left at roughly the same time. We got out and onto the motor way almost immediately.
There was a jam on the motorway here, but thta was only for a few miles and the traffic was moving reasonably well until we hit the two/three lanes area and then we just took off. Superb organiastion.
The show itself took my breath away! It is always one thing to see these Warbirds on tv or film, it's quite another to see a mass take off of 6+ Spifires, A Mustang P-51, Thunderbolt, Warhawk and so on and have them disappear only to dive bomb you later!!
Another major plus was that I got to meet several verteran Spifire and Hurricane pilots. The Spitfire Society had a stall there and I got talking with one gentleman ( who reminded me of Peter O'Toole) who is head of the Spitfire Society. They were selling large, signed Squadron Prints ( which I bought) and I also got talking to the helpers of The Grace Spitfire ML 1407, a MK9 trainer! This aircraft served with the Irish Air Corps in the 40's/50's as, I think, no.162. I am currently attempting to cobble together a 1/48 version of this and t has been quite a journey.
But, the real plus was meeting the 6 Battle of Britian pilots who signed my Spitfire poster!! They were really cool, funny gentlemen who proved to a man that while they may be old, they could still bite when they want to. The old teasing bewteen Hurricane pilkots and Spitfire pilots still carries on today!
Got some good video camera footage of the show as I was close to the return taxi run ( after they landed from their display, most of the aircraft invariably drove right past my position). However, there were so many people on foldable chairs and stuff, I couldn't get as close as I like to the flight line.
To quote the Austrian Oak...I'll be back.
ps, Hannants is heaven. It's official.