Hi jroden144
Thats a good kit you've got there. It's pretty straight forward and you should'nt have too many problems. The only thing I've found with the kit is a couple of minor fit problems which can be easily rectified.
After you have finished the cockpit and want to put the two fuslage halves together you may be left with a seam line on top of the aircraft, which you can easily sand off. The other problem here is that you may need a little filler to fill a gap where the tail halves meet underneath the rudder. Again, easy to fix with filler/sanding.
The only other thing I can think off is the undercarridge and their doors. I always find that bit a little tricky(I'm on my 2nd Hasagawa F-4 at the moment)
Theres nothing wrong with the parts, you just need to take your time putting them in the correct position.
Hope you enjoy your Phantom, good luck!