There was a saying amongst B17 crews that the B24 was the packing case that the B17 came in!!!!
If you want to read about B24s and the crews that flew them read 'Wild Blue', it really is an eye opener.
Aparently the stated maximun take of weight for a B24 was 60,000lbs, but the actual take off weight was nearer 70,000 for a machine going into combat!!!!! Crashes on take off were not uncommon.
The B24 was a more stable bombing platform because its bomb doors did not project into the slipstream like those of the B17, thus upsetting aiming.
However B17 was definitely the machine to be in, in the case of a forced landing due to the tendency of the B24 to break its back, especially when ditching.
As a result of the Davis wing the B24 could not reach the same altitudes as the B17, and therefore suffered more at the hands of the German 88s and 128mm Flak.
All the above does, is put into perspective the risks facing those flying in these machines!