Haven't posted in the Aircraft forum here for a long time, but I'm currently building the 1/48 Revell/Monogram (current Revell Germany issue) B-58 Hustler, and am wondering what the correct colours for the cockpit interior and ejector seat are.
I managed to find some photos on the web showing the interior of the wheel bays and the undercarriage bays, which helped a lot with painting these areas, but none of the cockpit (not surprising as the photos are of museum aircraft and the cockpit is not really very visible from ground level!). Hence I'm not sure of the accuracy of the painting instructions.
They specify an overall dark-medium grey colour for the cockpit interior, with black instrument panels, which seems about right to me, but what colour would the "hood" of the pilot's ejector seat be, and would there be any details of the seat mechanism which need painting in a different colour? The instructions specify overall grey (same colour as the rest of the cockpit) for the seat, other than the cushions and seatbelt.
One further question on the 1/48 Hustler - how much weight needs to be added to the nose to stop it being a tail-sitter?
I should add that I'm in the UK and reference material for post-war US aircraft is a bit harder to obtain here (if I were building a Vulcan or Canberra there'd be no problem...)