Not only did Hobbycraft release copies (bad copies, at that) of Otaki/Arii kits early on, but they also had at least one copy of an old Monogram kit, the Ju 87. As with the ex-Otaki rip offs, this one was really badly done.
IDEA released some of these under their own label and I remember the P-40 was so bad that I just tossed it. (ME! Mr P-40!) The original had recessed lines (and all those godawful rivets), but the copy had raised lines and rivets and it looked like they had shoveled some sand into the mold. It was just pathetic.
As to the delay of announced kits, Hobbycraft aren't the only offenders. Actually, I shouldn't refer to them as offenders; who knows what difficulties they're going through to get a kit out. (A good case is the AMtech P-61's.)
Anyhoo, Trumpeter announced the 32nd Thud back in... was it 2000 or 2001? The same has happened with all the major manufacturers at one point or another, although most are good about getting releases out 'on time'. As to the Hobbycraft Panther, (and the P-59 which was delayed some) these are the exceptions rather than the rule. Hell, I'm still waiting for DML's Invaders...
Fade to Black...