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1/48 B-17

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  • Member since
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  • From: u.s.a.
1/48 B-17
Posted by inpw1 on Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:30 AM
well i did it...just got myself in over my head.....i told myself if i ever did a 1/48 B-17 i would get serious about this and do atleast one the hard way.
to make a long story short, i just ordered the revell 1/48 fort and realized i dont have a clue on how to get started researching then building a detailed copy of the original.

1st.....Does anyone know of any books, websites, etc. for reference on general aircraft information like interior colors and things of the like?

2nd....Does anyone know how to go about researching a specific aircraft for its markings, emblems, and any extra "features"?

3rd....about these PE/resin goodies you can get for 'em....does anyone have any recomendations on which ones to get, and should you have em before you start building.

4th.... HELP


guess ill save all the other questions for later
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 8, 2003 2:54 AM
Regarding books, there are some books published by Squadron which are very good. All the history and model information etc. There is also a series called 'In colour' or something like that (in this case it would be 'B-17 in colour') which have cool colour photos.
I´d recommend looking for those. I got mine at the local hobby shop.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 8, 2003 7:16 AM
hey Jim, welcome to the forums. Iv recentlystarted myself a collection of B-17 stuff to for the 1/48 G kit. Im just getting all I need before I begin. ok here a few answeres for you.
Books: you can get just about any you might need from Squadron. I bought the Verlinden Lock On #24 for the B-17 G which has all color photos of just about everything in and around the plane. There is also "Famous Planes of the World" #14 B-17 , which has all kinds of photos. B&W, color, technical drawings, even some interior color shots. Though, unless you speak Japanese, you cant read it, but there are plenty of photos of different models and units. Got mine on Ebay. And of course the Squadron B-17 in Action.
For the p/e and resin stuff:
There are the resin wheels , vacuum form canopies (2 sets for all windows)
For p/e there are about 3 sets , 1 the interior, 2 the exterior, 3 the bombbay and undercarriage. Im only going to get the 2 and 3, the interior I dont think would be necessary. The are also resin replacemts for the engines and turbochargers,(check Great Models Webstore. And I belive Verlinden has a resin set for the G. Theres alos an OOP set to convert the G tail into the Cheyeen tail, very hard to find. But for most of that stuff, you will find at As for the a/c markings etc... there are many differnt books out, like the one for the 8th AF BG to get specific a/c IDs and nose art pics. Hope this has been of help. , tim
  • Member since
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  • From: Zanesville, OH USA
Posted by coldwar68 on Saturday, November 8, 2003 8:10 AM
For a general history Edward Jablonski's book Flying Fortress has a lot of general information. It is a couple of hundred pages but a quick read if you like to read. Has a lot of good info on development, raids and such and may give you an idea of a certain time you would like to look at.


I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it. -Jack Handy

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 8, 2003 9:05 AM
This is a pretty good site.
  • Member since
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  • From: Sandusky Ohio, USA
Posted by Swanny on Saturday, November 8, 2003 9:50 AM
Another goodie to add would be the Aires Browning M2 machine guns for the waist positions and radio room.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 8, 2003 11:04 AM
hey swanny, thanks for putting that up, I didnt know about those. Guess Im gonna need to spend more money now lol
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 8, 2003 11:04 AM
I finished this one last year. I used Squadron Signal, Warbird Tech and Detail & Scale.

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 8, 2003 12:44 PM
hi flapjack,
Hey Ive seen that before.......It was in the "WEB" Thumbs Up [tup]
  • Member since
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  • From: Sandusky Ohio, USA
Posted by Swanny on Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:06 PM
Hey Flapjack, that's real nice. How about a close shot of that ball turret?
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 8, 2003 5:34 PM
I think the ball turret was my favorite part of the model. Don't know why. I guess it's the small tiny place with lots'a detail. I put in the gun belts, ammo cans, gun sights and a bunch of other stuff that you probably can't see (but I know it's there).

  • Member since
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  • From: Sandusky Ohio, USA
Posted by Swanny on Saturday, November 8, 2003 5:53 PM
A good reproduction - here is the real thing....
  • Member since
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Saturday, November 8, 2003 6:37 PM

There's alotta books out there on the Fort. The two Squadron B-17 'In Actions' are decent general references and their B-17 'Walkaround' is quite nice, especially for detail shots. The B-17 'In Color' book is a small but very good general reference.

Another Squadron book is Flying Fortress - The Boeing B-17 by Ernie McDowell. This book centers on the operational aspect of the Fort as opposed to the differences in variants like the 'In Actions' and 'Walkaround'.

Osprey has several titles in their 'Osprey Combat Aircraft' series and these are excellent as general modeling references but moreso for historical info.

That FAOW (Famous Airplanes of the World) mentioned above is another decent book, not a whole lotta detail shots though. And it is, indeed, all in Japanese but the pictures are in English. Tongue [:P] Sometimes hard to find these days...

Motorbooks had an excellent book out sometime back called B-17 Flying Fortress - Combat and Development of the Flying Fortress. Dunno if it's still in print.

One that's definately long gone is B-17 Fortress at War by Roger Freeman and published by Scribners; great book on the Fort.

An interesting book is B-17 Nose Art Name Directory by Wallace Forman published by Phalanx. This is more of a research tool than a reference book for modelers, as there's little in the way of photographs. As a research tool it's been quite invaluable to me.

There's many others, too many to list individually.

As far as researching on the net, you have to dedicate alotta time for the purpose. There's alotta stuff out there, you just have to find it. A good place to start would be any of the search engines; I usually go with Google, but any others will do you just fine. And, with few exceptions, you're going to find the same stuff on most of the SE's anyway.

If I were to research Forts on the net I'd start by doing an image search on Google, beginning simply with 'B-17'. Then I'd move on to other search terms like:

'Flying Fortress'
'Flying Fort'
'B-17 Fort'

...and other similar combinations. You never know what a slightly different term will bring up. You usually get a buncha unrelated stuff too, but that's because of how SE's work which is another story...

Anyhoo, if you settle on a specific unit or a specific ship then you'd want to do searches on the name of the aircraft and/or the unit. Often times you'll get no good hits by searching with the name of an aircraft, but all routes should be taken.

For instance, say I was going to search for a B-17 called 'Hey Moitle', serial# 42-31080 of the 331st BS, 94th BG.

I'd start by doing an image search for 'Hey Moitle'. More than likely I'm gonna get nada for that. (Prepare to be disappointed on the majority of the searches you may initiate. Disapprove [V] )

Then I'd move on to the serial #, the squadron and the group. Searching with associated information as your search term(s) is often times your best bet. If you do a search for '94th BG' or '94th Bombardment Group' (or other variations) it may lead you to a page dealing with the 94th BG and it may contain information on the aircraft which you wanna build. And it may not!

Follow the same patterns for a regular web search, as the search terms will apply to broader parts of any prospective websites or pages. I usually start with an image search as a matter of personal preference, but you can do things however you wish.

Just remember to take any possible route, no matter how fruitless it may initially appear to be. Many's the time I've 'wasted' an hour or two (or more) and been rewarded with a treasure trove of information and.or images; whether it was something I was looking for or not!

Anyhoo, if you need help give a hollar.

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
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  • From: u.s.a.
Posted by inpw1 on Monday, November 10, 2003 1:02 AM
thanks for all the info, i was planning on getting the walk around book, and will end up getting a few of the others too ( wifes gonna kill me before im done ). I have allready found quite a few websites allready, and will continue to poke-n-prod for some more (can never have too many).

flapjack: sweet fort....excellent work man to find those brownings.....theyll go nicely with the pe and resin stuff....hehehehhe im a dead man......

thanks again for the info.....
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 10, 2003 2:15 PM
hey inpw1 if u giv me yuor e mail i ll send ya some pix got some good shots of tha prototype an a good close up of the nose of a fort(still dont know how to post a pic on tha forum!@#$%^&*Censored [censored])

Banged Head [banghead]
  • Member since
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  • From: Mexico
Posted by mandrake on Monday, November 10, 2003 10:17 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Swanny

Another goodie to add would be the Aires Browning M2 machine guns for the waist positions and radio room.

Hey Swanny:

I live in Mexico City, i have been trying to get those Aires Browning M2 machine guns for a B-17 that i have but here the hobby stores just doesnt know about them so do you know any good hobby store here on internet (that may be able to deliver out side of the US) where i can get those machine guns??

Thanks in advance Fella!
my best regards
Hector.Big Smile [:D]
Thanks! My Best Regards Hector Reymundo
  • Member since
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  • From: u.s.a.
Posted by inpw1 on Monday, November 10, 2003 10:33 PM
masu thanks for the email is ......all the info one can get is always helpfull.

swanny....yes where did you get those brownings....i could use a dozen or so of em......if you do know of somewhere on the internet where i can get them please let me know.....

once again thanks all
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 1:57 AM
must give congrats to flapjack....amazing detailing

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