The newest variant of the venerable M88 is the M88A2 HERCULES. HERCULES stands for Heavy Equipment Recovery Combat Utility Lift and Evacuation System. It is built at the UDI factory in York, PA and is basically a modernized M88A1 (that you crewed) with a new boom, side armor, side skirts, upgraded engine and tranny. I got to visit the factory last year, interesting stuff.
But, the old M88A1 is still the most common variant and will be for some time to come. Anniston Army Depot is still producing rebuilt M88A1s. I just got a brand new rebuild back in February.
As far as kits, AFV Club makes a real nice M88 and M88A1. Revell of Germany reboxes the M88A1 with German specific fittings. No interior in either of the kits. AEF Designs makes an M88A1 interior and M88A2 conversion set.