I have built two and am working on a third, all DML's #3523. I found them from Military Hobbies web site (http://www.militaryhobbies.com/) for under $20 each, plus S&H. I have access to almost a full battalions worth of launchers and all their support equipment and I have used them for hands on reference.
The kit is quite accurate, and if you are carefull in the assembly, it can be functional with the loading cranes. The M26 rocket pods are very close to the real things, but must be balanced if you intend to "hang a pod" as if loading or unloading. Interior detail is really good - as long as you don't open every thing up. Also note that the real vehicles have a different number of track links on the left and right sides of the vehicle. This is due to the transmission being moved a few inches forward on the right side. I am told there are 83 left and 84 right for track pads. I have not counted them myself!
They only thing that I dis-liked about the kit is the kit supplied track links, but that's more of a personal interest than a modeling one. Rob Gronovius sent me a link for separate track links that would work well with the kit - but I ended up not using them for these models. I have a few Bradleys thats gonna get them instead! I'll have to get back to you for the link, I can't find it at the moment.
If you want I have a few digital pictures that I could send your way?