I'm not familiar with your kit, but PE parts in general must be removed from the fret carefully so as to avoid bending them where you don't want them bent. I put them on a piece of temepred glass and then use a sharp scalpel to cut the attachment points. Safety is very important as it's possible the small metal parts or shavings may fly away. You can trap them with some scotch tape or pin them with your finger or some other tool. I use a medium grit sanding stick to smooth the nubs on the part. Bend them as directed in the instructions, most have a a "bend line" scribed on them at the appropriate place. You can use a pair of smooth jawed pliers or two razor blades for the bending. Attach the parts to the model with some sort of super glue (CA). That's the basics, if you can provide a more detailed question the folks here can give you a more specific answer.