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Verlinden king tiger engine compartment

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 18, 2004 4:22 PM
Sorry for my previous post. I didn't read the word "KING" in front of Tiger.Banged Head [banghead]Dohhhh!!!


The Ryton book: Schwere Panzer in Detail has a few pictures of the Maybach HL230P30. There is also one picture of the motor in the engine comparment having the oil bath filters removed. You can't really see a lot of detail on anything but the filters in this photo.

In Achtung Panzer #6, there is a picture of a JagdTiger with the engine cover removed and the filters are also removed. This shows a pretty good image of the plumbing of the motor on the right side, left side, and the front of the engine compartment. But this shows only the plumbing on top of the compartment. Nothing below the first layer of plumbing is visible from the photo.

I hope this helps.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Verlinden king tiger engine compartment
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 18, 2004 10:51 AM
was wandering if anyone could tell me where i can find some reference photos
for the king tiger engine compartment . outside of the picture on the box there
are no instructions to go by, or if anyone has done this could tell me how they done it.

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