So I picked up a Tamiya Pz. 35(t) at the LHS the other day and I'm trying to finish it up for for a competition this weekend, but I have a bit of a problem: Every link on the tracks has an essentially uncorrect-able round pin/sink mark in it where there should be a pyramidal indent behind/inside the guide horn. But I guess that's beside the point (I'll save my rant against Tamiya for this ripoff bull**** kit for the thread which i'll make with some finished pics).
Anyways, I have decided to hide the crappy tracks with some mud.... But you see I've never done mud before. Can you guys give me some quick advice or link me to a tutorial? I have at my disposal some plaster, white glue, and plenty of paints and pigments of all types (I dont have any acrylic resin, and neither does my LHS, so its kindof out of the question). I desire some light but chunky dry or moist dirt (nothing wet/glossy) essentially just to cover up the tracks.... See the picture below- this is precisely what I'm after.
Taken from:
Thank you for your help!
FACEBOOK: Ryan Olson Thorgeirsson for pics of all my builds.
"There are two kinds of people in this world; those who put fries/chips on their sandwiches, and those who don't enjoy life."