The wheels definitely should be replaced, and there are a few on the aftermarket. I can't remember any of the top of my head, though. I'd try, as I think I got mine from there...
IMHO more needs to be done with these kits than just replace the wheels. For some bizarre and strange reason, Dragon back in those days thought it would be "cool" to make action hinged visors, hatches, etc. All of the hatches "clip-in" to the kit, which of course is not realistic or accurate at all. This is especially true with the windshield hatches, challenging to correct, and a lot of detail is compromised here. Fortunately, with some good photo references, it should be easy to correct using plastic rod an strip. Still an annoying "feature." I still have their BTR-70 in my stash, half built, until I can find good photos of the hatches...