Okie doke, got a little work done.
So, here is the basic, final layout. the turret will house the single 220mm main gun, tracks will be 3 tread plates wide (i think i mentioned that waaaaay back), two fully enclosed "TUSK" style .50 turrets on top, and a midified mine plow on the front. as you can kind of tell, i got the basic top of the hull in place, over the tracks and the slightly sloping plate on the front glued in place.
i filled the gap with styrene chunks dissolved in the pink-label Testors styrene cement, and the gap between the glacis plate and sloping upper hull peice will be filled somehow.... either by the dissolved styrene method and sanding or just shims.... i will get to it soon, as well as the sink mark on the plow piece in the center lol.
during some "test fitting" runs, i realise that the gap between the turret and hull (with the height i wanted the turret at) would be a terrible shot trap. so, as i was not happy with the "wavy" lines on the turret bottom of the turret due to the space between the original turret front and rear pieces, as well as unsatisfied with the thinness of the armor, i decided to make some new, taller, and thicker, turret walls.....
turret before new side armor... (also notice i actualy have a roof over the back of it now lol)
and after i made some new armor out of .080'' (i believe thats about 3 scale inches) Styrene plate. the bottom edges are straight-lined like the original Abrams turret now. the difference doesent look like much here, but.....
its a lil easier to see here lol. the project is starting to pick up speed.... albeit a bit slow, but hey, progress is progress lol. im in the process of making the other armor for the left side of the turret, and getting primer down (painful task since im still in the stone age and dont have an airbrush lol) more pics to come soon:) sorry fot the slow pace, have alot goin on pullin me away from the bench.
that mine plow really looks mean when you look at it from above... or from head on lol.
1/35 XM77 "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car
Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build
"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis
"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch
"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda