Found this uncommon kit circa 1994 or so from E Bay, but it arrived without any directions whatsoever! I have written "Dragon Customer Service" asking for a PDF of the directions, but got the mother of all runarounds from them..
BTW this is the uncommon "Korean War- Chinese Volunteers" version; ' the box calls it "Korean War JS-2M- Chinese Volunteers," so even if I buy the current Dragon "orange box" version of this kit just to get the instructions, the directions and decal instructions will be different, because the currently available version has a Red Army circa 1945 model, while this one is Chinese "Volunteer" army in Korea, 1951 or so....
Can anybody help an old FSM reader since 1983? Goes without saying that I'd send you an SASE or whatever, make it up to you if a fellow old modeler can help me out! Many thanks, Christian