- Member since
February 2010
- From: Berkeley CA/St. Paul MN
Very Good Adam Wilder DVD
Posted by EBergerud
on Thursday, August 30, 2012 3:07 AM
I've picked up weathering DVDs from MIG and AK for about a year - learned what I could, took notes and sold em. Worth it I think. Prominent "Spanish School" modeler Adam Wilder (who did MIGs first DVD on pigments) is out with a new one called "Authentic Metal" from a company called MXpression. (PAL format) As the name implies this DVD (about 100 minutes - much longer than normal) deals with making plastic look like metal. So you're looking at steel textures, weld, carbon steel, burnt metal, rust etc. A lot of three dimensional stuff in addition to color. No joke, Wilder is very good. And to make things a lot nicer in my book, this is not an infomercial. Obviously materials like pigments, paints etc appear but there are no plugs. Which means you can follow what's going on, instead of wondering, "gee wonder what AKMIG Albany Earth Pigment Wash looks like?" The usual $20 or so. Also one out on airbrushing camo. Definite thumbs up.
A model boat is much cheaper than a real one and won't sink with you in it.