So I have only been able to find 3 pics of this online. There's tons pics showing the Mobelwagen with the single Flak 43. From other sources what I've learned is there was only one or very few of these made as a prototype and Hitler turned the design down in favor of the bigger Flak 43 mount but again not sure if these ever seen combat or not. But knowing Germany towards the later part of the war they pushed anything into service that could move if anyone has any more info I would love to know. So here's where it starts!
Bought this at the LHS had one set of idlers painted grey and one half of a road wheel missing lucky for me the kit comes with four spares
Hmm so that's why German lost the war they must have ran out of 'C' Cell batteries lol. Also look at the hatches for the driver and radio operator nothing what a Panzer IV should look like that will have to be changed.
I think these will do a good job at replacing the kits solid molded 2cm Flak guns
I also have a set of tracks ordered from squadron it's been over 7 weeks now I wonder where the hell they are at it always takes forever for them to ship stuff out but the guns from spruebrothers came in four days. also ordered this set to replace some of the ammo boxes