Phil H has you WELL covered - imo it's the best shade of Dunky you'll find! Iirc, Phil actually recommended this mix to me when I first started a few years back as like you, I was finding that colours sold a Dark Yellow by Tamiya and Gunze were waaaay too Green.
Personally I use a mix comprising of 50% XF-59 Dark Yellow and 50% XF-55 Deck Tan.
I do like to alter the mix from build to build and I'll perhaps add a bit of white to the mix or use 60% Dark Yellow and 40% Deck Tan.
Just get an empty Tamiya bottle, clean it all out and half fill it with either colour. I use a 10ml barrel syringe if I want to be exact in my %'s (there is 10ml of paint in a Tamiya bottle).
I've just seen the new 'Lifecolour Late War German Cammo set' which, apparently is the best match for late war cammo you can get and I think I might buy that set for the paintwork on my latest wip Italian 1944 Tiger I.
Vallejo Model Air Dark Yellow looks ok (I have some but haven't tried it yet) as does their Model Colour which may benefit from mixing with a touch of Model Colour White? Don't try mixing Model Air & Model Colour together as it just doesn't work!
Best of luck,