Dragon PzIII Ausf J initial with DAK mod.
Hi all. thought I would pop this one up here, as part of my resolution to actually be active here. This will eventually be a diorama piece but it is currently in the finished single tank stage..
Mostly out of the box, but the tropical engine covers needed for a DAK vehicle were added with some spare parts and scratching. The tank represents a vehicle of the 15th Panzer Division at the first assult on El Alamein in July 1942. For this battle I considered hard and decided the J Initial is pretty much the right tank for the job once given the tropical mods.
Couple of in-progress shots.. first showing the engine covers
Pz III initial in progress by Gadgetworks3D, on Flickr
Then the main build complete
Pz III initial in progress by Gadgetworks3D, on Flickr