Based on the mark and the provided decals, looks like you are limited to building a UK based training vehicle. This is the initial production Valentine, and online sources state it was never sent out to any battle front due to problems created from a rush production:
Looking at the decal options, 11th armoured would of upgraded to Shermans for the Normandy invasion. Before that, for three years the unit remained in the UK - wow!
The 6th armoured did participate in the North African landing, but would have been equipped with a later mark Valentine. They too would upgrade to Shermans later in the campaign (April '43).
Although likely rare, you could possibly send it to North Africa, but photos do indicate they had sand shields (a dedicated PE set?).
You could possibly convert it to a Mark II, but most photos show a different pattern to the road wheels.
Might want to check out a comparison build of the Mark I & II currently going on here: