It's normal. Only mirror-image tracks are left and right, like Tiger tracks. Everything else from Friul that I've used (quite a bit actually) where the original 1/1 part will work on both sides of the tank is that way from Friul as well, so on one side of the tank, you will have the wire visible. This is usually no big deal, since the wire, after being squared, looks just like most full scale track pins.
I insert, pull out about a half-mil, then cut as close as possible and re-insert. I then use a tiny bit of cryo glue to secure the pin. T-55 tracks go pretty fast in my case due to their relative size as compared to my fingers. I did a set for a Cromwell a while back that was pretty tedious, even though they were flash-free and didn't need drilling. I normally use steel or brass wire too, it's stiff enough to go through the links, with a little wiggling, when the softer Friul wire will not in cases where most folks drill the link holes. I've found that SpadeAce wire is the perfect compromise between stiff enough to insert without drilling (in most cases, the Merk4 set was horrible) and soft enough to square the end of the wire with a manicure file.