I was working this morning on this kit, which I've been building for about the last month (I only have time to model on weekends for a couple hours). I bought this kit probably 7-8 months ago and I didn't open it when I received it (generally I buy 4 or 5 new kits every two weeks and place them to the side to build later). I know when I opened the box to begin building it, I looked through the contents generally, but I don't specifically go sprue by sprue through the kit...Guess I will start now, but not sure how that will help - usually when I buy a kit, I buy two of them for spare parts, broken pieces, screw ups, etc. but for this one I didn't (which tells me I bought this awhile ago before I started buying two at a time). If I had the spare kit, I could solve the missing sprue...which I will order this afternoon...
What I am interested to know is how often do kits arrive missing something? Is anyone model company more known for frequently having missing sprues or parts?