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GameraOnly question though, is she supposed to be abandoned?
Good question. If abandoned as long as it would take for that much rust to form (decades), how are the IR devices still there and why is there still a rather fresh-looking coat up on top. These are items that would have been removed by by treasure-hunting Soldiers, Army technical units to examine, or civilians rather quickly. It doesn't add up. Additionally, it is all fictional anyways since the E100 was never completed and only one partially assembled hull was ever found.
Lastly, what is the point of the rubber duck????
Gino P. Quintiliani - Field Artillery - The KING of BATTLE!!!
Check out my Gallery: https://app.photobucket.com/u/HeavyArty
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell
What fantastic work!
On The Bench: Revell 1/48 B-25 Mitchell
Married to the most caring, loving, understanding, and beautiful wife in the world. Mrs. Toshi
I don't blame you, I'd hate to cover up such a nice weathering job too!
"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen
My collection of tanks :http://rascarcapaco.blogspot.be/
Looks very good!
Only question though, is she supposed to be abandoned? Just wondering if so why you didn't put the 'snow' over the whole tank.
Btw: Nice Jagdduckie!
Just try out the woodland snow i buy last year...I use some pigment fixer from Mig and the snow become to look like dirty snow.Don't wanna do it overdone..just a little will do here.Otherwise is my weathering for nothing
My rubber duck :)
I'll post it Razzie. Problem is it won't be anytime soon. Too much stuff lined up right now.
She's really coming together. Not sure if I said so but I love the Kilroy!
Looking good, i like the IR site. I notice it includes the drivers device, is that the Great Wall one.
I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so
On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3
Well gamera,i wish you dream come true.
But let me known when u start on that project..i wanna see your progress
cheers Razz/Michaël
small update of the Iron Trumpeter E-100
Wow, that's nice!!!
One day I want to do an abandoned Japanese tank rusting away in a jungle. Just need to 1). Get the whole abandoned look with the rotted tires etc right, 2). Get the rust right, 3). Get the jungle plants to look right..... Ah one day.....
Thanks buddy,small update :)
No idea but I love what you've got going there.
Thats the good thing about these, anything goes.
Looking good there.
For the antena, i went with the rear deck on the Jag. That where i would put it on this, probably in one of the back corners.
Thank you Mike.
Have anybody a idea where i put that antenna on the tank??
Your textures are absolutely perfect. Per-fect.
- Mike Brindos "Lost Boy"
That is some really amazing work Razzle. Mandcant wait to see this one finished.
I think i see where your going with this one now. Really like the effects your getting on this.
Lookin' good! I like the rough surface of the armour you've done and the rusty areas look like the real thing.
Next Update : weathering with some lunatic malfuction :)
Thanks. Ye, i wanted to go for low viz markings, the smaller the better. But at the rear, i felt the exhausts were a bit puny, so went big.
I am hopeing to have the final pics of the vehcile up on the buld thread tomorrow, but still got a lot to do on the base.
Look forward to seeing more of your pics. Like you, i found this a quick build. Even with the PE set and indy link tracks, its taken me about 3 weeks to finish this.
You did a nice job on that.
This was mine at the last photo session.
I have done quite a bit since, just got the final touches to do tonight.
Bish Nice work so far, look forward to seeing more. I am currently doing the Trump E-100 Jagdpanzer and am really enjoying it.
Nice work so far, look forward to seeing more. I am currently doing the Trump E-100 Jagdpanzer and am really enjoying it.
this is mine Jagdpanzer with less skills :)
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