I just wrapped this one up for the Secret Santa GB. I am very happy with how it turned out. I did quite a lot of weathering, but I kept it restrained. I wanted a look of a true veteran of the battlefield. I know these were few in number and none survived more than a few months, but a clean tank is a boring tank to look at when it's all monotone. So, I took some liberties.
I used Vallejo and AK paints along with Vallejo pigments and AK mud effects. I also used some pastels on the road wheels. Most of what you see for wear is dry brushing with hull red or silver Vallejo paints. The markings are DN Models stencils and kit decals. The DN Models stencils are low tach and reusable, super nice. I totally prefer to paint marking when I can. I hope you guys enjoy the finished product.