Help!!! I messed up the kit barrel and I don't know where to find a new one!!!
Posted by Cowhand_man
on Saturday, April 3, 2021 11:18 AM
So I've been building the 1/35 Tiger 1 Mid-production from Tamiya and I messed up the barrel that comes with the kit. I went on several online stores and tried to find a new barrel from RB model because they are the only company that I know that has a ton of replcement barrrels for every kit you can imagine but all the stores said they havent been able to contact RB since 2019 and they assume they went out of buisness. I've been looking around and I found Aber but I can't find anyone that ships them to the U.S. Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can find a replacement barrel? I don't care about the manuacturer, I just need a barrel!!!