This is supposed to be a late tiger, and yes, the colour is grey (Apologies for the shoddy camera quality. I took these with my webcam), revell enamel no's 77 for the base coat, heavily drybrushed with 76, with a wash of heavily diluted 78 (Which, for a laugh, is labelled Panzer grey.. Well, Revell Germany would know). It is actually supposed to be the yellow green brown jobbie. Two reasons.. well, three actually, why I opted for the grey 1: I had a stack of grey paint I just literally (same shopping spree) bought prior to buying the tiger (for an FW190.. At least its the same team, eh?), so I figured I'd use this, instead of going out again and getting the proper yellow (yes, I'm a lazy schmo..). 2: If I was going to do the mottling, I wouldn't be happy about the way it would look and end up messing it up, getting in a huff and end up lobbing it onto the top shelf of the cupboard.. 3: It looks meaner! Heh.. I will, however, stick to the proper crayon colours on a larger, pricier kit. This is practice.
I also decided to omit the zimmerite. I thought of several ways of trying to make it (going right up to glueing on arranged chocolate sprinkels!), but decided to stick to artistic license and think of practicing wash and drybrush techniques.. Going by the instructions I thought I'd rather stick to the smooth hull instead of painting it with liquid cement and then pressing a file into the soft plastic. Besides, I haven't got any liquid cement at the moment...
I'm relatively happy with the way the tracks have turned out, except for the fact they pull like rubber bands.. I remember why I shyed away from tracked vehicles back then. I'm much happier with (semi) individual PS tracks, opposed to the vinyl wrap around stuff..
As for the holes.. The two on the tail end I know about, and I'm thinking of either tacking on the bits that can be fitted there (but am told to omit by mr Hasegawa).. I'm stil thinking about what to do with the holes at the driver and radio operators spot.. I might do the same, then again, might not. I'm fickle.
The late tiger I have has a lot of leftover parts. I'm guessing these would be the early tiger bits. Also I had to trim a significant amount of material from the road wheel axles. I think (can't be too sure. As I mentioned earlier, I'm only just getting into armor again) that the lower hull is a base for more than just this kit.
And another thing.. ! Ah, no.. I'm done.. Next step: crew, addressing holes (is that sir or your lordship?), decals and some proper dirt on the kitten..