Yes it's the DML. Thanks to some advice from Rob Gronovius here I didn't get caught unawares and the build went well. The kit had fit problem at the rear of the upper hull, There was an angle to the back side where it meets the rear plate. fortuanately it was long on one side so i sanded it even and that problem was solved.
The hinges for the hatches are very delicate and fiddly with the most trouble being the rear troop hatches. I had to lightly sand and test fit the knobs that fit in the hinge several times to get them to pressin easily. Afterinstallation all hatches were secured with a couple dots of glue on the inside to prevent hinge detail from melting.
The turret mount also needed a modification. The gap in the "L" that engages the hull was very tight and the turret wouldn't have gone on properly when it was all together so I carefully scraped a slight ramp in the bottom of the "L" with a #11 blade which solved the problem.
The individual link tracks were kinda tough and wanted to twist. I couldn't correct this so I hid it under the skirts.
I am fairly satisfied with my results (my weathering need some practice) and would do another. If anyone is planning on building this kit, test fit everything and maybe see about getting aftermarket tracks.