My birthday (Nov 25th) is well not a good day in 1944 as this happend:
1944 Rocket Kills British Shoppers
On this day, a German V-2 missile hit a Woolworth's department store in New Cross Road, Deptford, killing 160 midday shoppers. The V-2 was a recent innovation in German ammunition. Its first operational launch had occurred only two months previously, on September 6, when two missiles were fired at Paris. Unlike its predecessor, the V-1 buzz bomb, the V-2 was invulnerable to antiaircraft guns and fighters. Upon launching, the forty-six-foot-long rocket-propelled missile rose vertically to an altitude of about six miles, then arced upward to about fifty miles. At its apex, the missile automatically cut off its own fuel, tipped over, and sailed downward toward its target at nearly 4,000 mph. The entire flight lasted no longer than four minutes and wielded an enormous explosive force. In the final months of the war, the German V-2 campaign against England killed 2,754 people and seriously injured 6,523 others. Deptford certainly was not spared in the bloody V-2 campaign. A thirteen-year-old girl named June Gaida recalled the horrifying experience of that day. "I remember seeing a horse's head in the gutter," she said. "Further on there was a pram all twisted and bent, and there was a little baby's hand still in its woolly sleeve. Outside the pub, there was a bus and it had been concertinaed, with rows of people sitting inside, all covered in dust—and dead."