Ding! Ding! Ding! This is late but I just want to say HAPPY MILLENNIUM for all the armour folks. We have just surpassed our 1000th posted topic. Congratulation to all. I would like to thank all participators, from snap kit level to kitbash level. I have learnt a lot from you folks. Thanks for your enthusiasm. Not only I've improved my skills from you but also deepen my interest in armour models. Special thanks to shermanfreak, djmodel1999 and many others who always answer my question. I look forward to our next millennium: The 2000th post.
As for now for my crazy question in out first millennium:
We all know the M4 Sherman has lots of variants, if you are allowed to custom made a Sherman, how would you do it?
I would:
For the hull: M4A3E8 Easy Eight hull plus extra armour plate
For engine: M4A2 diesel engine
For turret: M4A3(?) Jumbo turret
For main gun: British 17 pound gun(77mm)