I generally prime any part, styrene or resin, before painting.
You can use super-glue or 5 minute epoxy (2 part) glue on resin. Tube glue or liquid cement won't work. Be careful with super-glue as it dries awfully fast, like almost instantaneously! Epoxy does take a while, like 5 minutes, maybe a little shorter; but it does allow for correcting any mis-placed part.
I think any part that may be warped can be 'un-warped' by using a hair dryer on it and hand-bending the part back to correct shape or dipped in hot water and worked back into shape. Just be careful warming/heating your part up. And don't over stress your part or you run the danger of snapping it. It's a finesse skill not brute strength!
Don't be afraid to try something new, that's how we all improve our skills.
Hope this helps!