I'm not sure of "ca not"? Do you mean Cyano (short for Cyanoacrylate commonly called superglue)?
Normal Polystyrene cement actually "melts" the kit parts, causing the plastic to "blend" together. The setting process is like letting hot material cool. As long as you leave it for 24 hours, I can't see how a pyrograve would effect the join....unless it was on a high stress join maybe.
Plastic card can be joined by using a more virulent solvent like MEK (Methol Ethol Ketone) to achieve a slightly stronger join, but it has to be used sparingly.
I prefer not to use Cyano glues for 90 degree joins in plastics as they do not hold as strong as they do if the two sections are hard up against each other.
Maybe you should try out what you want to do on an old kit, or some surplus/spare parts, if you have any, before trying it on your new project.
Peter from Down Under