Hey Ben, I bet you were thinking about this photo;
All of the tools, except the crow bar laying along side and the sledge hammer, which appears to be missing, are on the vehicle. We can see they are being painted with the same camouflage as the rest of the tank. Like I said above, with in-the-field painting, I doubt the crews would have removed the tools from the vehicle prior to painting.
However, starting after August 19th, 1944, Tiger II were spray painted with the three tone camouflage scheme at the Henschel assembly plant prior to being shipped to the ordnance depot for issue to the troops. Now I need to find out whether the tools would be in place at the factory, prior to the camouflage being painted. I don't know....yet, but I have my doubts.
This close up from the well known propaganda film, seems to show the shovel handle left in natural wood, as it contrasts quite sharply against the dark camo on the hull, as does the sledge hammer handle as well;
This shot of the rear of a sPzAbt 503 Tiger, shows the jack and C-hooks painted in camo with the rest of the tank;
Even the spare track link has been painted.
Here is a train load of factory-fresh Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbar". You can see the black painted jack next to the headlight on the lead vehicle. Although hard to see, the same black jacks appear to be on the remaining vehicles as well. Obviously the jack was not in place when these vehicles were painted;
Below is Panther #121052, the first with all-steel wheels, sporting it's brand new, factory applied camouflage, build on or about Sept.22, 1944. You can still see it's Fahrgestell Number stenciled on the glacis;
The C-hook is painted overall Dark Yellow, but does not appear to have been in place when the camo was applied, as the hull is darkly colored underneath it. The wooden handle of the shovel can be clearly seen and the wire cutter handles don't match the color behind them.
It appears that factory applied finishes were done with the tools off, but field-applied camouflage did commonly cover the tools and their handles, at least that's what I'm seeing. Some items, like jacks and C-hooks in particular, seem to go either way.