Well, I don't know about a shining moment, but I'll relate the most surprising moment I've had in scale modelling....
I've been building since I was a kid, and got serious about it in the early 80's after a tour in the Armored Cavalry. No bragging, but except for the first contest(San Antonio, where I had my eyes brutally yanked open) I have won some type of award in some category or another. Just this last Squadron Scalefest I was floored when I won a 2p for an out of the box Tam Mustang III, and 1p for a 120mm WW1 German Trench Raider(by Kirin, no less). I built the figure ten years ago, and left it in the display case.
The big surprise was that I was trying to finish at least one of two biplanes, and although I worked right up to showtime(thank God there's a hotel right at the show) I couldn't get even one ready. I usually take different types of models just in case the show is light, and it's a little more money in the club coffer too.
Anyway, I always hang out to the bitter end to applaud the winners, and catch that last desparate kit deal(always is one somewhere), and I had absolutely no idea that my two entries would do so well against some truly awesome stuff.
Best of all I wasn't humiliated in the Armor category. The Texas area is VERY armor oriented and many of the areas' modellers are World Class.