Hi, folks!
Today was the 17th Armor Modeller' s Conference in Kansai, and man-o-man, was there a lot of phenomenal stuff on display (plus my modest offerings)!
Sadly, my E-100 gleaned only verbal accolades, but my buddy Fujihara88 won the bronze medal for his German LWS in North Africa diorama.
His work was superb (I'll post the link to all the entries as soon as it's made), but I've never heard of or seen such a vehicle. Looks just like a big boat on tracks, and it also has two big propellers on the rear.
The explanation I got today was that it was supposed to be used like an LVT4 in the planned amphibious attack of England, but after that was called off, the 21 vehicles that were already constructed were sent here and there, and Fujihara88 decided on doing a North African vehicle.
Does anyone have any information on this nutty vehicle?