Thank you all for your most kind comments.
Mr.Tamiya's crew of engineers deserve a lot of credit in this build .... it really is a work of engineering the way this kit fits together. Precision at its best.
Gip - I've had the last couple of weeks off from work, no kids at home, wife's at work every day, and finally, I really don't have a life
. Which all adds up to lots of modelling time.
Domi - The M36 B1 is a kit that I started some time ago and never completed. So now is its time. There is nothing wrong with the teeth on the drive sprocket, it's just where I left off in the build. Start of the weathering technique. As far as the other project goes, I can't / won't say much at this point in time but watch for it around the month's end. I guarantee you'll like it.
Thanks again all and I'll keep you posted when I get back at.
Happy Modelling and God Bless